
And check "The Pump Party" Feature blog at

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pump < semi

To elaborate on what 88 said, yes indeed owning semi players with a pump is really the best thing about pump play. Seeing the sadness & anger... watching them walk off, head down... its just great.

After the game its always- "Wow, that was a lucky shot." and- "I guess those pumps are really accurate" ...and stuff like that.


  1. Well according to the world at large, no pump player actually has the skill, patience or common sense to aim their shot at an intended target.
    What I find amazing is that I can shoot 1 bag of paint in a weekend and have as high or higher an elim count than most Semi players that shoot a case or more. Maybe I just seem to have a knack for buying the bag full of lucky balls :)

  2. From now on, yee shall be called "LuckyBalls".

  3. You pump guys seem a bit stuck up, if your so great, why dont pump guys win major tournies?

  4. because once you reach a certain skill level, rate of fire matters. (meaning that, if you take 2 pro teams, 1 with pumps and 1 with electros... the electros will win MOST of the time, if not all of the time)

  5. because pump play is slower paced due to the slower rate of fire. but with the slower rate of fire, you have better first shot accuracy as well as learning to snap better.

    most of the pros out there probably started with pumps, so in a sense, pump players are winning major tournies.
